Tackling Work Stress: Strategies for a Healthier & Happier Employees

| Zorg en Zekerheid

Beat work stress

After all, work-related stress is the most frequent occupational disease. Every year, over a million people in the Netherlands run the risk of suffering a burn-out or other work-related psychological illness. A long-term sick employee not only costs an organisation a lot of money but also creates extra work pressure among colleagues. There is plenty of reason to pay attention to this!

Causes of work stress A healthy dose of tension helps to function well. However, excessive stress can lead to physical and emotional complaints and ultimately even absence. Stress in the workplace can have various causes. Excessive work pressure and working conditions also play a role in stress.

Think, for example:

  • conflicts at work
  • uncertainty about responsibilities
  • too much or too little autonomy
  • lack of appreciation or potential for development

Stress is often the result of a combination of factors, both at work and in private life. Think of an employee who has to combine a job with caring for young children or parents in need of help. A busy social life, poor health, problems in the private sphere, or certain personality characteristics sometimes lead to more stress at work as well.

What can you do for your employees? Employees are often reluctant to ask for help with work-related stress and psychological complaints. It is therefore extremely important to identify these complaints among your employees in time and make them open to discussion.

You as an employer can make the subject of work-related stress open to discussion by offering your employees a training course, workshop or inspiration session. Managers play an important role in this process. There are special workshops for managers to recognise and signal mental illness. Could your organisation use some help? We are always happy to assist you! Together with our specialised partners, we are happy to help you with your company vitality.

Contact us without obligation to discuss the possibilities and the costs

Employees get to work on work-related stress themselves

Your employees can work on adjusting their sleep behaviour independently and online via Zorg en Zekerheid. Using the 'Work stress' mirror e-Health module, they look at their own work stress based on exercises and learn how to deal with this with practical tips and experience stories. They also have direct access to many other mental fitness self-help modules, such as sleep, informal care, and money concerns.