LIMES international advises companies and private individuals with their cross-border activities.

About LIMES international

We support companies and people who cross national borders.

Globalisation is blurring trade boundaries. And that offers unprecedented opportunities to talented, ambitious people and organisations. But in addition to challenges and opportunities, working in other countries and cultures means having to deal with complex laws and regulations. For people and companies to operate successfully across national borders, integral specialist support in the area of tax law and other legal matters is essential. And we provide that support.

As an international player, LIMES international is affiliated …

About LIMES international

We support companies and people who cross national borders.

Globalisation is blurring trade boundaries. And that offers unprecedented opportunities to talented, ambitious people and organisations. But in addition to challenges and opportunities, working in other countries and cultures means having to deal with complex laws and regulations. For people and companies to operate successfully across national borders, integral specialist support in the area of tax law and other legal matters is essential. And we provide that support.

As an international player, LIMES international is affiliated with Geneva Group International (GGI) and EuRA. Membership of these leading organisations provides us and our clients access to valuable local knowledge and expertise in more than 120 countries. Beyond this, we also have an extensive network of international service providers in all conceivable areas. Our consultants work intensively with their foreign colleagues on a daily basis on international issues for clients. Their knowledge and expertise enable us to provide you with the best possible guidance in any country based on local knowledge, contacts, and support.

Sharing Knowledge with our LIMES academy

LIMES professionals see specialist knowledge in the field of tax and global mobility as a sort of lifeline. At LIMES international, we continuously invest in international knowledge, one of the pillars supporting our organisation and our services. To give other professionals access to this knowledge and allow them to become acquainted with our company without a lot of effort, we offer the LIMES academy. Here, various international topics are discussed, like social security, labour migration, and law, taxation, payroll, pension and insurance. We want to make our knowledge and know-how accessible to everyone, so all our seminars and workshops are offered free of charge. All you need to do is register online.

Interesting facts:

  • Our head office is located in Valkenburg, close to Leiden.
  • Two thousand years ago this was the northern border of the Roman Empire.
  • These borders came to be known as ‘limes’, from the Latin for ‘limit’ (boundary).
  • We also have offices in Amsterdam and in Belgium.

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