Car Insurance

If you own a vehicle in the Netherlands, you must have minimum liability insurance to cover the cost of potential damages to your or other involved vehicles and persons, the so-called Wettelijke aansprakelijkheidsverzekering (WA-verzekering)
A variety of car insurance add-ons are available that cover, for instance, damage to your own car, theft, joyriding etc. The common type of comprehensive car insurance is called All-risk or Volledige Caso car insurance, which includes almost all costs of damage.
Like in many other countries, Dutch insurers apply a “bonus-malus” system. A no-claims bonus is a discount car insurers offer you if you can stay claim free for an extended period of time. Depending on which insurer you are with, every year you go without a claim will lead to a larger discount.
However, your no-claims bonus will be cut – the malus - if you make a claim, but the size of the cut varies between insurers. Insurers also have different policies based on age of the person insured and on the region.
Car insurances are offered by various branches of business – insurance companies, banks, car dealers - and many companies within these branches. To find the most suitable car insurance for you, you can use comparison websites such as or