30% ruling
We would like to welcome you to our LIMES academy, where our speaker Reinier Braakman will introduce you to the subject of the 30% ruling.
During this session, we would like to zoom in with you on a common topic when working across borders: the 30% ruling. This scheme is a Dutch tax facility that makes working in the Netherlands more attractive for foreign employees. The 30% ruling can also be applied to employees posted from the Netherlands.
Questions discussed include: which conditions must be met? Which costs can be covered through the 30% ruling? How does the application process work? Can the 30% ruling simply be transferred to a new employer? How long can the 30% ruling be applied?
In addition, we will discuss some current topics regarding the 30% ruling; including the current reduction in the 30% ruling and the recently announced 27% ruling in the 2025 Tax Plan.
The seminar will be conducted in Dutch, but everyone is welcome to join.