Sorry, this activity is not available anymore
until 19 September 2024

Registration Herring & White Bread and Hutspot

On the third Thursday in September, the registration for both Herring & White Bread and the Big Hutspot meal traditionally takes place in the Waag. For many, this is traditionally the starting shot for the 3 October festivities.

The presentation of Haring & Wittebrood itself is one of the oldest traditions of the 3 October Vereeniging. Everyone who lives in Leiden or was married or born there, is entitled to herring and white bread. If there is one thing you should not miss, it is the presentation of Haring & Wittebrood on the early morning of October 3.

Bring an ID to the registration so you can make your reservations. They are very generous in this: your marriage certificate, driver's license, ID, passport or 3 October membership card are sufficient!

Note: only members can register at the Waag for both the Grote Hutspot maaltijd on 2 October and the Haring & Wittebrood award ceremony on 3 October. Are you not a member yet? Then register quickly
