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until 26 June

CIV Biosciences Annual Event 2024


Burumazaal, Gebouw 3, Onderwijsgebouw LUMC
Hippocratespad 21
2333 ZD Leiden
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We are pleased to invite you to the second Annual Event of the Center for Innovative Craftsmanship Bio Sciences. We will keep you informed about what is happening in our Leiden region regarding 'Working together on the promotion of Bio Sciences.

From a keynote by CIV partner Randstad about the right approach to GenerationZ to a colorful carousel of initiatives and plans that together make a difference: inspiring more young people for science and technology, motivating more (future) professionals for a career in biosciences, at the LBSP.

Only by joining forces between business, education, and government can we ensure sufficient, future-proof, and motivated professionals for the Bio Sciences. Because who doesn't want to contribute to health?

