National & Public Holidays
Know when you or your child will have a day off to go enjoy activities in the Leiden area.
Public Holidays
New Year’s Day, Nieuwjaarsdag | Wednesday 1 January 2025 |
Good Friday, Goede vrijdag | Friday 18 April 2025 (not all businesses close) |
Easter Sunday and Easter Monday, Eerste en tweede paasdag | Sunday 20 April and Monday 21 April 2025 |
King’s Day, Koningsdag | Sunday 27 April 2025 |
Liberation Day, Bevrijdingsdag | Monday 5 May 2025 (official day off in 2025) |
Ascension Day, Hemelvaartsdag | Thursday 29 May 2025 |
Whit Sunday and Whit Monday, Eerste en tweede pinksterdag | Sunday 8 and Monday 9 June 2025 |
Christmas Day and Boxing Day, Eerste en tweede kerstdag | Thursday 25 and Friday 26 December 2025 |
School Holidays
For those who have children who go to school in the Netherlands there are some more dates to take into account. The school holidays in the Netherlands are different depending on the region: the country is divided in three areas (North, Centre, South), and the Leiden region follows the calendar of the Centre region. There are five school breaks during the year: while some are fixed and cannot be changed (Summer, Christmas, May), some can be extended or shifted by the single school (Autumn, Spring). Our advice is thus to always check with your school the exact dates.
The guidelines for school holidays for primary and secondary schools for the Leiden region in 2025 are:
Spring break (voorjaarsvakantie, carnavalsvakantie or krokusvakantie) | 22 February - 2 March 2025 |
May vacation (meivakantie) | 19 April - 27 April 2025 |
Summer vacation (zomervakantie) | 19 July - 31 August 2025 |
Autumn vacation (herfstvakantie) | 18 October - 26 October 2025 |
Christmas vacation (kerstvakantie) | 20 December 2025 - 4 January 2026 |