What apps are useful when ordering groceries? And where can I find the train schedule? Find your answers below!
Buienradar – to find out if rain is on the way. The Dutch don’t like to be caught out in the rain when they are cycling. Based on Buienradar you can decide to stay indoors a little longer, take alternative transport, bring your umbrella or put your rainwear on.
Datumprikker – to find a date for a group event. Since the Dutch generally have such busy agendas, planning a get-together with multiple people can be a real challenge. Datumprikker allows you to enter a list of dates and send a link to everyone by which they can indicate on which of these dates they can make it. After everyone has responded, the date on which most or (hopefully) all people can make is, is chosen.
Tikkie - to send payment requests. This comes in handy when you and your Dutch friends have agreed to go Dutch. One person pays the bill and then sends a ‘tikkie’ to the others. Also used for payment on ‘Marktplaats’ (the Dutch E-bay), flea markets etc.
Appie– to shop for groceries and get them home-delivered. This is the app of the Dutch supermarket chain ‘Albert Heijn’. Since well before apps were introduced, many Dutch people have lovingly nicknamed this supermarket ‘Appie’ (a slightly dated abbreviation for ‘Albert’), which was later gratefully used by their marketing team to name the app.
Picnic – to shop for groceries and get them home-delivered. Essentially an online supermarket.
Thuisbezorgd – to order take-away food. Delivery from an array of restaurants around the region.
FlixBus - for cheap trips by bus within and outside the Netherlands
Too Good To Go - the app aims to tackle food waste by allowing you to pick up leftovers from restaurants or soon-to be expired products at a reduced price.
Social Deal - enables you to find the best deals regarding attractions in the Netherlands, hotels, or restaurants.
Groupon - offers coupons to leisure activities, workshops, restaurants and more.
112NL - an important alternative to calling the Dutch emergency number (112), for situations in which you may not be able to speak.
Bo-rent- a car and van rental company that allows you to rent a wide variety of vehicles depending on your needs.
PetsPlace - an online store and physical store for all your pet's essentials.
PostNL - the PostNL app allows you to track both your packages and letters so that you know when they will arrive.