Local Childcare and Early-Learning Providers
There are many options for daycare and early learning providers in the Leiden region. Learn more about them here.
Daycare in Leiden
Daycare is for children aged 3 months to 4 years. After their 4th birthday, children may start school - although this is not compulsory until they are 5. There are several options for daycare including childminders (gastouders) and nurseries/daycare centers (kinderdagverblijf).
For further information on the different types of child care in the Netherlands, please see our Childcare Explained page.
Childcare Providers in the Leiden Region
There is a playgroup in the north of Leiden called De Gouden Poort. Children can attend from 2 to 4 years. There are 2 groups: a Tuesday/Thursday group and Wednesday/Friday group (from 8.00 to 13.30). In addition, it is possible that children can attend on a third day (Monday). Please note though that in this context the 'Vrij' (free) refers not to the cost but to the style of play.
De Gouden Poort website