Child Benefit

The Child Benefit (Kinderbijslag) is government money for parents towards the expenses of raising a child
If you live in the Netherlands and care for a child or children under the age of 18, you will receive the child benefit. This benefit is provided by the SVB (Sociale Verzekeringsbank).
You can get child benefit for raising and caring for children of your own, adopted children, foster children, stepchildren, or other children you raise and care for as if they were your own. The amount of your child benefit is primarily dependent on the age of your child (see SVB rules). It is not subject to any income or asset criteria.
Visit the SVB website
SVB’s instructions guide you step by step through the application. The two most common situations are:
A. You recently started living or working in the Netherlands
Soon after arrival it is wise to apply for Child Benefit for children born outside the Netherlands. You can submit your application on-line (using your digital entry key, DigiD). With the a few exceptions, the instructions are in English. Mind the listed required documents.
B. You are living in the Netherlands and your child was born here
The municipality where your child has been registered reports to SVB. After SVB has sent you a letter (4 weeks after registration), you can claim the Child Benefit digitally. SVB can provide an English-language form upon request.
Contact details
Should you need extra guidance applying for Child Benefit, contact SVB via the website or make an appointment at SVB’s office in Leiden and ask for an English speaking helpdesk worker.
Sociale Verzekeringsbank
Stationsplein 1
2312AJ Leiden
Telephone for Child Care: (071) 512 9820