Update: Temporary Protection Directive Ukrainian Refugees

| LIMES international

Given the uncertain situation in Ukraine, the Council of the European Union has announced that the Temporary Protection Directive for Ukrainian refugees will be extended for another year until the 4th of March 2026.

Sticker or O-document mandatory for employed Ukrainian refugees

As of the 1st of November 2022, Ukrainian refugees are only allowed to perform employment activities if they are in possession of a sticker or O-document issued by the IND. With this sticker or O-document, they can prove that they fall under the Temporary Protection Directive.

Stickers without an expiration date do not require an extension

If the expiration date of the sticker or O-document is the 4th of March 2023 or 4th of March 2024 the Ukrainian refugee should have received an extension letter from the IND confirming that the sticker or O-document remains valid until the end date of the Temporary Protection Directive. The IND will only send this letter once, so if the Ukrainian refugee already received the extension letter, for example in January 2023, that letter can still be used.

If the sticker or O-document expires on 4th of March 2025, the Ukrainian refugee should receive an extension letter from the IND before the expiration date.

Ukrainian refugees are not permitted to carry out self-employed activities based on the sticker or O-document.

For questions regarding the above or regarding the temporary protection for third country nationals, please contact LIMES international's immigration department via permits@limes-int.com or +31 88 089 90 00.