With the rising energy prices the Cabinet has brought forward a plan to reduce the energy bills for households and small businesses. The plan is to introduce a temporary maximum price for gas and electricity at average energy consumption. However, the decision of the House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) and the Senate (Eerste Kamer) on this is still pending.
If decided, the Cabinet’s plan provides a price cap from 1st January to 31st December 2023. The price cap is aimed at small energy consumers including households, small businesses, self-employed people, and associations. These consumers will pay a maximum price up to a certain consumption level. The maximum consumption for gas is 1 200 m3 with a maximum price of €1.45 per m3 . The maximum consumption for electricity is 2 900 kWh with a maximum price of €0.40 per kWh. However, everyone that consumes more than the maximum amount will have to pay the tariff of their existing energy contract.