Health Insurance in the Netherlands
In the Netherlands, if you wish to be seen by a specialist or hospital, you usually need a referral from your local general practitioner (or huisarts) first. If you are living in the Netherlands, health insurance is not only recommended but it is also required, with very few exceptions, and failing to have the appropriate health insurance can result in fines. You can check if your situation requires you to have health insurance on Zorgverzekeringslijn's website.
Health Insurance Providers
There are numerous health insurance providers in the Netherlands to choose from, and if you go to Zorgwijzer's website you will find a tool that provides a comparison of providers for your situation. The Dutch government requires you to take out at least a standard health insurance package which will cover costs such as a general practitioner, hospital treatment, and prescription medication. All health insurance providers will offer the same standard package, as regulated by the government.
However, if you wish to, you may take out additional insurance that covers more specific areas of healthcare costs. These can include, but are not limited to, dental care, physiotherapy, and therapy. It is important to keep in mind that, whilst insurance providers must accept everyone who applies for a standard healthcare insurance package, they are not obligated to acccept everyone who applies for additional insurances.
When taking out a new health insurance policy, you are required to select a certain amount that you are willing to pay yourself each year for medical costs (referred to in Dutch as eigen risico). This number begins at €385, and goes up to €885. Eigen risico does not include GP consultations and a number of other necessary healthcare costs, which will be covered by your insurance provider.
If your annual income is lower than €31,998 in 2022 (or €38,250 in 2023) you may be eligible for healthcare insurance allowance (zorgtoeslag). This means that the government will subsidise a certain amount of your healthcare insurance costs monthly, with the amount subsidised depending upon your annual income.
Switching Providers
If you wish to switch your health insurance provider, you must do so before the 1st January, and you must take out your new health insurance before the 1st February. You can find out more about changing your healthcare insurance provider on the Dutch government's website.
Healthcare in the Netherlands event
Do you still have questions about the healthcare system in the Netherlands, or taking out health insurance? We are joining forces with Leiden University, and are organising a healthcare information session on December 15th. This session provides answers to all your questions on this topic. Zorgverzekeringslijn, which provides tips and advice on how to navigate the healthcare insurance system in the Netherlands, will also be giving a presentation during the information session.