Have you ever heard of the Grow Model?
Sometimes when we set goals they are overly optimistic, other times they are unrealistic but maybe not in obvious ways.
Often overly ambitious goal-setting takes place at the start of the year or when we've decided we need a totally fresh start. Whereas the less obvious but equally unrealistic goals may grow from frustration around a certain situation.
Either way, knee-jerk goal setting can be a lot like a juice cleanse, disappointing, and leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
If you find that you struggle to set goals that you can stick with and reach fruition you may want to consider the GROW model:
Goal – what is your goal?
Reality – what is your current situation?
Options – what are your options for moving forward?
Will – what will you do now?
Goal - I am going to climb Mount. Kilimanjaro this year
Reality – I live in the Netherlands, which is mostly below sea level
Options – Internet research says that I really should do some higher altitude hikes to prepare me for climbing Mount. Kilimanjaro so I will need to travel abroad to do some hikes in preparation.
Will – This year I will train three times weekly following a well-researched hiking preparation protocol. I will also take three higher altitude preparation hikes in surrounding countries so that next year I will climb Mount. Kilimanjaro.
Goal setting can be fun and motivating and sometimes overwhelming. Looking honestly at your reality is essential, this includes your own willingness and motivation as well as those that you share your life with. Weigh your options and discuss them openly and honestly. Deciding what you will do based on the options and your reality allows you to chart a successful course towards in this case Mount. Kilimanjaro.
In this example, the goal was chunked down to weekly tasks and additional steps that need to take place before the big climb. Taking each chuck of a goal at a time leads to more successes along the way which brings a sense of accomplishment and also allows for fine-tuning or adjustments as needed.
This article was brought to you by Allyson Kukel founder of Rooted in Calm. Allyson helps her clients learn how to use the GROW model to reach their goals and she would love to hear from you if you are looking for some support in reaching your goals.