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until 8 October 2024

Shaping the Wellbeing of the Employees: Tips & Tricks

Join an open session covering remote work and working abroad, home buying, taxation and the new Dutch pension law. Gain insights into foreign legal requirements, financial risk mitigation, and the 2023 pension changes. These topics enhance employee wellbeing and productivity.

In times of COVID-19, many employees have started working from home. Working from home can even be done while staying abroad. However, cross-border working from home can have unexpected consequences. Do employees need a permit if they want to work from abroad? Or conversely, do employers need a permit or registration to allow someone to work in another country? Will the home-working country become the new working country? And in which country do taxes and social security contributions have to be paid?  Rens van Oers, director taxes and global mobility  at LIMES international  will elaborate on these examples of legal dilemmas employers face when employees want to work from home abroad.

Affordability and accessibility…

In times of COVID-19, many employees have started working from home. Working from home can even be done while staying abroad. However, cross-border working from home can have unexpected consequences. Do employees need a permit if they want to work from abroad? Or conversely, do employers need a permit or registration to allow someone to work in another country? Will the home-working country become the new working country? And in which country do taxes and social security contributions have to be paid?  Rens van Oers, director taxes and global mobility  at LIMES international  will elaborate on these examples of legal dilemmas employers face when employees want to work from home abroad.

Affordability and accessibility of owner-occupied housing is decreasing in the Netherlands making it increasingly difficult for first-time buyers to purchase a home. Part of the aspiring buyers are forced into the private rental market. Due to liberalization of the rental market strong price increases have also taken place in the private rental market, leading to difficulties in finding affordable and suitable housing. However, if you are aware of taxation and mitigating financial risks, you will be able to take the most from what the system currently is offering to you. Join the presentation of  Agnes Glastrafinancial advisor at Your Financials  to learn more.

There is scientific research confirming that financially informed and aware employees perform better and are both mentally and physically healthier.  Mario van Teijlingenfinancial advisor at Your Financials , will inform you about the nature of changes following the introduction of the 2023 pension law, and the personal possibilities now available for staff. Sometimes employees also deal with early retirement. This happens both voluntarily and involuntarily. At this presentation as an employer you can learn which financial insight to provide to the employees and what this decision will mean for them financially.


17:00 - 17:20 Remote work & working from abroad (taxes and other consequences for employees and employers) -  Rens van Oers (LIMES international)

17:20 - 17:40 Buying a home: taxation and mitigating financial risk -  Agnes Glastra (Your Financials)

17:40 - 18:00 The nature of changes following the introduction of the 2023 pension law -  Mario van Teijlingen (Your Financials)

18:00 - 19:00 Networking
